Thursday, February 19, 2009

Your Moment of Zen

Sorry to steal that from Jon Stewart, but here is some random weirdness from our Spain trip. We were in Toledo on the night before Three Kings Day/Epiphany and got caught in a three kings parade. It took a really long time for the three kings to arrive, but we stayed the whole time. We survived chain smokers, loud music, people throwing penny candy (and other people acting like maniacs because of the free candy), fire trucks with sirens, and even camels. Note the ubiquitous product placement too. And no, we didn't stick around to see if we could tell the three kings what we wanted for the holiday. I guess we were supposed to put our shoes out for them to leave us some toys?

1 comment:

grandma kopp said...

I am enjoying so much ready your blog. You are a great writer. I love you and Don.