1. Seafood. With Benadryl, in Donny's case. The best seafood we've had is at the Barking Crab in Boston. A close second was the Portland Lobster Company in Portland, Maine.
2. Walking. Even in the humidity, it's easy to walk to all the sites you'd ever want to see. Although getting to Cambridge and Harvard is definitely a bit far -- take the subway.
3. Weekend getaways. From Boston, it was an easy drive to Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont. Our other stops besides Boston were Salem (home of the movie monster museum), Portland, ME, Sharon VT, the Ben and Jerry's factory, the Dartmouth campus, and Concord, NH.
4. History. We walked the Freedom Trail on our last visit, so this time we went to the John Adams/John Quincy Adams historic site and the church where they are buried (by the way, the correct pronunciation is "Quin-zee"), Lexington, and Concord.